Ben – Reading Response 7

Relating back to the class, it seems that the default is acceptance: we don’t really argue whether someone’s creation in any of the making activities is really art or not. We simply treat it as a ‘making’, and that’s it. I find this really nice as someone wholly unfamiliar with art and art making, since I don’t have to worry about whether what I am doing even qualifies as art, because if it doesn’t, I would assume an automatic 0 and some ridicule.

Approval is a different story though. Aside from the grades, which actually only account for the level of effort and not likeability, there are some levels of peer approval going on whenever our making is shown in class: a few great ones get some clapping, mediocre ones get a passing glance. We are not trying to sell our work or something, so this doesn’t matter that much in the long run, but I just want to say that what is in this reading chapter is very much applicable to what we are doing in the class.

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