Reading Response #5

Art & Fear Chapter 3

First of all I wanted to say that I really like this book. Now, regarding the third chapter, it was interesting to notice that I feel or have felt all of these fears in my still brief journey of making art.

Perhaps I would add an additional fear that is not directly related to being an artist, but that, once solved (I believe), makes life a lot easier. That is the fear of dealing with our flaws, and things that haunt us. As the book says, we all have what we need to make our best work, which for me involves a lot of self awareness and acceptance that, to be honest, I am still taking baby steps towards. I have had many ideas for artistic work that got overlooked because I did not want to deal with the emotional baggage that they spark on me, like some family relationships, the weird aspects of our sexual lives, the body, ugliness, and so on. Still, I noticed that when I embrace new parts of myself, my artwork turns out better and more interesting for me.

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