General Themes
- History of the place and Berlin
- Showing ourselves as a class and as NYUAD
- Motion-graphical Mourning Memorial
- Uses the whole space, link to its history, link to my major somehow (using cryptographic / communication elements that reminds of WWII?)
- Melancholic whistles, long and sharp around the area? Should not be disturbing, should be subtle, like flowing into their ears and minds
- Fast moving effects like souls
- Sounds of water
- Simple loop music at the background with string instruments
- Movie – self reflection – Name: “lateral thinking” – Document whole thinking process of the course
- Dance performance
- Tree whose leaves are pieces of a puzzle on how the world comes together – globalization opens a new chapter while we learns from the history
- NYUAD fashion show – cultural representation
- Interactive map showing the real-time sounds of Berlin?
- Make Merch – gift shop, sticker, magnets,….. about the exhibition
- Motiongraphics with sound to express different moods
- Historical Film based on VR reviving old memories, immersive.
- Silent movie shows different people’s perspective on this place / some topic, link to the topography as it has multiple layers
- Virtual keyboard, you press a key and for each key something appears
- A circle that encloses a crowd and shrinks – “concentration camp”
- Emphasis on mortality, black and white stuff, ripple, impending death
- Shop of audio visual effects
- Mongol throat singing with live TouchDesigner visuals.