Reading Response #4

Lateral Thinking Chapter 9

De Bono’s description of how we often use judgment too much reminded me of Paulo Freire, a very prominent Brazilian educator. He argued that education at schools should remove the professor-student hierarchy as much as possible, and nurture a space where both are allowed to grow, therefore, make mistakes. Indeed I think that I have learned the most with teachers/professors who actually listened to what I had to say – even if it was wrong – and were open to also learning with me. Of course, as De Bono pointed out, vertical thinking and judgment are important aspects of learning, but I definitely see a use in adopting more lateral thinking in part of our school curriculum.

Art & Fear Chapter 1

I really identified with the author and it was funny to realize how much we (especially artists) romanticize the artistic crafts, even if rationally we believe that artists are not inherently special. I remember some semesters ago when I decided to call myself an “artist” and how difficult it was to say it. I had been making art for many years, and it eventually became my “passion,” so why should it be hard? I am still figuring out how this “label” translates into my life – perhaps it’s not important at all. Anyway it was interesting to be challenged by the book’s call to reality.

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