Shahram Chaudhry
The fact that he studied biology and then got into Interactive Media goes to show that there’s no distinction between Art and Science, one can do both – His artwork requires a lot of knowledge of physics – fusion between art and science
He’s interested in process/constant change/ understanding the different layers of meaning
He appeared very optimistic
Loved his tie and dye pink and black jeans , breaking conventions considering he was there for a presentation
Explore the canvas/ image space/ just get to doing it – aimless drawings to think about possibilities
Experiment is the most rewarding thing , start with a vague idea and see where it goes
Find personal pathway, help audience develop emotional connection using fountains, fake fog etc., don’t underestimate audience
The need to dumb down things is unnecessary and unhelpful, maybe we can translate original ideas to others better – dual way translation – we may learn from their interpretation
Pressure prevents from creating what you want but if you have the opportunity to create outside your comfort zone push for it, can help u grow
During the work process, be as prepared as possible but not strict, might have a good idea last minute even after having working on a certain ideas for weeks/months
I was seeing shapes instead of animals initially – our pattern recognition system can turn out to be wrong because they analyze too quickly without processing all available information