Reading Response – 2

In his book “Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step”, Edward Bono introduces a new way of thinking that he calls lateral thinking. He defines it as a process of finding and rearranging patterns in information to generate novel and original ideas. He contrasts it with vertical thinking, which is the conventional mode of thinking that follows a logical and linear path to reach a single correct solution. He argues that lateral thinking is the true source of creativity, while vertical thinking is useful for analyzing and validating existing information. He also claims that most education systems favor vertical thinking over lateral thinking, and thus limit the potential for creative thinking. As a university student, I can relate to his critique of the education system, as I have been trained to think vertically most of the time. I think that vertical thinking is important, but not sufficient, for solving complex and dynamic problems. I would like to learn more about lateral thinking and how it can enrich and diversify my thinking skills.

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