Randomly Generated Words:
draw & oven
So when I saw the word draw and the word oven together, I actually interpreted the word draw as the verb for extracting an object from a container. The reason why I thought of this was because I was thinking about school festivals back in high school. They’re a pretty common event for schools to have in Taiwan and a very frequently used attraction is a raffle box (抽獎箱).
抽, the first character in Chinese for “raffle box”, means “draw”, and the third character, 箱, means box. The direct translation of the raffle box character-for-character is “draw-prize-box.”
The Chinese word for oven is 烤箱. The second character(箱) is the same as the third character in “raffle box” (抽獎箱). The direct translation for oven would be “bake-box.”
So from this connection, I came up with an idea for a raffle box. The idea is that I would combine the raffle box with an oven, using the heat of an oven as a challenge/anti-time wasting measure.
A lot of people in these festivals tend to put their hand in the box and swirl it around for way too long, so the heat will make them quickly reach in and quickly take it out. (I am not liable for whoever decides to actualize this oven raffle box and accidentally burn children’s hands in a festival.)
First, I made a design for an oven based on a Google search of an oven. I did it on Canva because I couldn’t be bothered to open Illustrator. Don’t tell my design professor.
Next, I incorporated the raffle box aspects onto the oven. I added a hole on the top of the oven and added some raffle balls on the side to help sell the idea so the viewer can tell what it is even if they can’t read the Chinese on the display. I also moved the buttons to the side of the display to fill up the negative space.
This is a small breakdown and explanation of each part.
Now that I’m writing this, what material do I make the raffle balls so they don’t start melting inside the oven? If I use plastic it’s going to melt and if I use metal it’ll be too hot to touch even with gloves on. Maybe ceramic balls? I’m not sure.
Either way, I hope everything here made sense to read and I explained the Chinese characters sufficiently.