Fears about yourself – Darko Skulikj

I believe this reading was one of the most valuable we’ve had yet and that is for certain reasons. Firstly, the pylosophie of the reading can not only be applied in the process of art and artmaking but also everywhere in life. Let me show you how:

The reading delves right into the concepts of fear, pretending, talent, perfection, annhiliation and magic. While they all seem to be very different from each other, they all combine to delve right into the human psychology of any process in the human life. No matter if you are a painter, swimmer, computer scientist or whatsoever, these concepts will always be engraved deep into your mind. The one thing we cannot let them do is overpower our thoughts and take over, fear is a very good thing but too much fear is destructible for a person. Talent, yes, some people are gifted with all these talents but if they don’t keep working on them, these talents will play no role in shaping their future. Perfection, always strive for it but deep down know that you are not going to reach it, there is no such thing as perfection, no one is perfect but if you reach for the stars and you fail, at least you are going to fall on a cloud.

My point is, use fear to your advantage and don’t see fear as an enemy but and accomplice.

Stay Safe!

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