Making May 27

“I am hungry.”

“Why are you hungry?”

“I didn’t have lunch.”

“Why didn’t you have lunch?”

“I wasn’t hungry then.”

“Why wasn’t you hungry?”

“Why so many whys?”

“Because there is always a cause and effect.”

“Why is there always a cause and effect?”

“Because the world’s logical.”

“Why is the world logical?”

“Imagine if it’s not.”

Making Idea:

Imagine if the world is not logical. Cause and effect all messed up. Events are not caused by what comes before, but are instead caused by what comes after, have no cause at all, or are caused by conceptual rules. For example, rain, if caused by something in the future, could be because the ground will be wet, so the rain must come down now. If caused by nothing at all, then looking up might be a sunny and clear sky. If caused by conceptual rules, the rain may be caused by the weather forecast saying there will be rain.


The video was a bit flawed. I remember I did record the wet window of the taxi to indicate there was rain but when I went back to see the clip it was not there. The clip was to express that what if the world is not logical? what if rain is not caused by clouds and humidity and such but caused by what happened after, or caused by something merely describing it, or caused by nothing at all?

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