Making 3-May.27.Linda

My ‘why’ starts from why do people travel to a reflection on loneliness and the need to express. I decided to create a dice called DICEtination. Travelling is never about the result, but the process. Your destination is in fact not a location, but where your heart lands in the process. Dicetination leads those who might find no more joy in traveling to a new way of looking at your trip.

Why do people want to travel? 

Maybe because they are curious in things that they haven’t seen before 

Why are they curious things that they haven’t seen before 

Because curiosity is a human nature and we’re all driven by curiosity 

Why are we all driven by curiosity 

because that’s the way we getting in touch with the world

Why do we need to get in touch with the world

because we don’t want to be alone 

why do we not want to be alone 

because being alone is very scary , 

why being alone is very scary 

because you won’t be heard when you are alone 

why do you want to be heard

because I have things to say 

why do you have things to say 

Because I because my brain functions normally and I generate thoughts based on what I observe, 

why do you observe 

because I have eyes 

why do you have eyes 

because I’m a human being and yeah, 

why are you a human being 

because I was part of a collective mind and during incarnation, my individuality was separated and put into this body And my mind plus my body equals to a human being

Why are you a human being? Why are you not a tree? 

I don’t know why. 

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