Make 3- Why?

  1. Why do i have so much purple things?

Because I like purple

  1. Why do I like purple more than other colors?

Because people usually have a favourite color

  1. Why do people have a favourite color?

Because it makes them feel good

  1. Why does a color make people feel good?

Maybe because it reminds them of something or a feeling

  1. Why would color be associated with an object or a feeling?

Because everything has color

  1. Why does everything have color?

Because otherwise everything would be in black and white

  1. Why black and white?

Because black and white is the opposite of color

  1. Why is black and white the opposite of color?

Because old movies were in black and white

  1. Why were old movies in black and white?

Because cameras couldn’t capture color

  1.  Why did cameras not capture color?

Because they weren’t advanced yet

I pondered a lot about what “why” question is going to be my first, nothing seemed fitting. I looked around me for inspiration and suddenly saw purple everywhere, purple shoes, purple watch, purple bag, purple hoodie, so i asked myself why do I have so much purple stuff lying around. And it spiraled from there. 

After ten “Why?” questions, i found myself thinking about cameras, about black&white and color, happiness and sadness, life and death, love and heartbreak. All these parallels inspired me to write a poem. Which really surprised me because I hate using words and writing. When given the choice, I always avoid using words to express myself, but for some unknown reason, I found that I could express myself best through a poem today. I do not know much about writing a poem; It’s my first time doing something of the sort, but i had fun experimenting with it. 

After I was done writing my poem, I decided to put it on a poster or design some sort of frame for it. I used colors and objects that resonate with the theme of the poem. 

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