“Explore, experiment, make mistakes” – May.23.Linda

Kermit the Frog, with his amazing sense of humor and logical framework, tells us, the creators, an important acknowledgment of life: everyone are creating something every day. Creativity can be something grand, as the source of the Big Bang theory, or something tiny that you do daily. Instead of giving a concrete definition, Kermit the Frog here stresses the importance of always having creativity. Even his presence, the fact that they put up a Muppet character (not to insult him in any way) to give out a 30min TED talk is a creation that jumps out of the box and actually leaves a deeper impression for the listeners than just having a real human being on board. Not to compare it to all the great inventions in the world, but all these creations have a similarity: they are not scared of failure. It reminds me a lot of why Jazz improvisation is so fascinating.

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