I can relate a lot to what Bono is saying in this chapter with regard to the education system. The education system truly does “standardize” thinking by forcing all its students to follow specific procedures to achieve the correct answers/grades. This leaves little to no room for any creative or “outside the box” thinking. I think that education should also emphasize the importance of unorthodox approaches and also allow students more opportunities to collaborate with one another to nurture their lateral thinking skills.
Another interesting point he makes in this chapter is the concept of suspension of judgment. By doing this, people can be open to creative thought, new ideas, and different points of view and follow trains of thought that may have seemed initially wrong. Even if the train of thought does not lead to anything fruitful, there is a chance that the person would have gained more insight on the problem he is facing which could eventually lead to a correct solution.
Suspended judgment means keeping an open mind, trying new things, and realizing that both good and bad ideas are worth something. By changing the education system to promote different types of thinking future generations will consist of people that will be better able to think of new and innovative solutions instead of just being able to score well on tests.