Kermit the Frog Response

One thing that struck me that I really agree with in this comedy Ted Talk, is two things, first, Kermit explaining how creativity is inherent to all of us, and is not only a things artists have and others dont, he explains how days to day activities, how the economy and other important factors of human (and non human) life has been heavily fueled by creativity, which is fully true. The second thing that he said that struck me was the term “ridiculous optimism” which is what i feel whenever I want to create something, wether it be a dance video, finish an assignment or even take on a project. Other than the skillsets needed to acquire a certain goal, I truly believe creativity is key to all of it because if you listen to this creativity it tells u about innovative/more fun ways for you to achieve this goal and u believe that u will succeed and find a way make your thoughts come to life. Overall, as funny as Kermit is, with his jokes, i agree with everything he says about creativity and the creative process one has to go through in order to achieve something creatively, i especially agree with the “ridiculous optimism” term he used as i believe it is really essential to acknowledge it and allow it to drive you further into your creative process. 

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