Reading response 1

I liked Kermit’s cheerful outlook on creativity. He listed out many personalities that achieved greatness through “ridiculous optimism” and “uncontrollable chaos” in their respective creative fields which inspires us all. This is all well and good but I feel like the video did not capture the essence what the creative process is, or at least what I believe it to be. I think of creativity as remixing things that already exist. And the more creative something is, the higher degree to which it has been remixed. By ‘remix’ I mean an amalgamation of different ideas, concepts, and inspirations combined to create something. While the materials we use already exist, our execution may be new and unique to the world. I believe the most creative people are those who recognize the potential in things that already exists and work to make it better. Below is an amazing TED talk by Kirby Ferguson and where I get a lot of my thoughts on creativity.

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